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Implementing Energy-Efficiency Changes... What's Next?

By NOPEC on October 15, 2019

With a new program or policy, monitoring progress is a key way to identify bugs. Working closely with your energy management team and actively listening to any concerns they have along the way will mean less surprises down the road. Three steps to take your initiative to the next level include monitoring progress, listening to feedback, and improving based on results.


Continuously measure progress against the original evaluation, as well as previous measurement periods. Whether you notice a back-slide on energy savings, or even just a plateau, this is an opportunity to maximize savings and efficiency. Monitoring progress also allows your team to recognize which tactics have the most effect. Data alone is not enough to assess after implementing your program, remember that some of your best resources are those in the energy management team!


Include input from community members participating to better understand the usability of your program. From the top of the chain, it can be difficult to see a broken link. However, those who use your program or implement your policy every-day will have a familiarity with its use that you don’t. Valuable input can also come from the energy management team, as each member specializes in a different area, allowing for valuable insight.


Monitoring is only a first step and is meant to be used as a preemptive tool for progress. For example, monitoring the amount of waste recycled based on where bins are located, may allow your team to identify which areas employees are most likely to recycle. Try to continuously fine-tune the program or policy, always pushing for progress.

Our Energy Savings Road Map is meant to be a guide to implementing energy-efficiency initiatives. Check out our new sustainability blog for updates and new info regarding energy-efficiency programs!

Tags: Energy-Efficiency
Categories: Energy Efficiency

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